It’s hard to believe it has been 20 years since the tragedy of September 11, but we will never forget. 🇺🇸
9/11 Memorial aboard the USS Arlington
I remember that day very clearly. There are a few moments that distinctly stick out to me from that tragic day.
I was in middle school in Queens at the time, sitting in math class and one by one my classmates were being called out of class, to the point we were joking as to who would he going home next.
Many hours later toward the end of the school day, my Spanish teacher rolls out a TV and finally shares what is going on. I was in disbelief. This made 0 sense to me for a few reasons, especially at such a young age. I was aware of what I was hearing but unaware and ignorant of all the global politics and tension of the world, not understanding the true magnitude of what had happened.
My mom picked me up from school and as you can imagine, what was normally a quick drive home took quite a while as the roads were all blocked with chaos.
With the towers down, we had not heard from my dad who worked in Brooklyn at the time but had to pass through the twin towers on the train to get to work. Needless to say, we were very worried. Thankfully he was running late to work that day and was not anywhere near the twin towers. I remember he came home super late, as he had to walk all the way back from the city to our house as the city was locked down.
I am still in disbelief that this happened and my heart goes out to all the families and loved ones for those who lost their lives on that tragic day.
We will always remember ❤️🤍💙