Today, I am sad to say I was harassed in broad daylight. Don’t worry, I am fine!
Earlier this afternoon around 1:15 PM, I went to the local park in my neighborhood to get some fresh air. During my stroll, I stopped on the side of the main pathway to check my phone. As I was on my phone, a random rude man came up from behind (out of nowhere) and grabbed my butt! 😡
I called the guy out and he responding blaming me, as I was “in his way” as he was casually walking away as if nothing happened. I quickly screamed back, “YOU GRABBED MY BUTT, THAT’S NOT OK!” I know at least 1 guy heard me, hope more did as well.
This is how empty the park was. This mirrors side of the park I was on, I left shortly after the incident.
The pathway was very wide and EMPTY, there was no reason or way I was in his way.
After everything that happened yesterday with the overruling of the Rowe v Wade decision, I was more inclined to say something when this happened. I hope that people do not feel entitled to infringe on more women’s rights and think this is ok.
Don’t be afraid to speak up! Be alert & safe everyone!