Today I went to get tested for COVID-19 before heading home for Thanksgiving and spent 9 HOURS waiting for a COVID-19 rapid swab test at CityMD. I thought I’d show up 20-30 minutes prior to opening to beat the rush, but I guess everyone had that idea…
Here was my schedule for the day.
6:40 AM - Arrived at the end of the line
6:15 AM - Wake Up
6:25 AM - Walk to CityMD
6:40 AM - Arrive at CityMD & look for end of the line. The line went down the avenue and around the corner to the end of the block (and wrapped around the next corner behind me)
7:00 AM - CityMD officially opens
8:00 AM - I made it to the front of the line, only to learn they were just taking down names and phone numbers a list and would call me when it was my turn, then I will only have 15-20 minutes to return
I was #82 on the list. There was only a small group of people (~12) waiting around outside at this point, so a few others and I stuck around and waited around for our turn - how long could it take? I live 15-20 minutes away, which was exactly how long it would take me to get back, so figured I should just stick around and worry about hustling back - my mistake!
8:45 AM - 45 minutes later everyone still seems to be waiting outside
I asked the woman checking people in what number they were up to, in disbelief I learn they were only up to #6 on the list & she laughs that i am #82 on the list
Shocked they are still in single digits, I tell my line buddies to hold up one hand and one finger and that was the # they were up to. They were shocked as well!
8:48 AM - At this point, I was freezing and disheartened by the lack of progress on the list - I decided to go home and wait to be called since it would definitely be a while.
10 AM - No call yet
11 AM - No call yet
12 PM - No call yet
12:15 PM - I called CityMD to see what # they are up to… Any guesses? They were only up to #50 since they opened, 5 hours ago. I guesstimated they see ~10 patients per hour
1:30 PM - I received a call to return to CityMD - “you need to return in 15-20 minutes, your number will be called soon”
I immediately drop my fork, stop eating my lunch and hustle back
3:18 PM - Made it inside!
1:48 PM - I make it to CityMD in just under 20 minutes and head to the front door of CityMD. The security guard shouts “MISS” and points to the line, of course there is another line. This one should be quick, right? WRONG
I see my line buddies from this morning and join them on this new line with ~10 people in front of me
2:48 PM - 1 hour later, I am still standing in line & have not moved a bit
3:00 AM - I am second on line… to get into the building, they are letting people enter the waiting room in small groups
3:18 PM - I made it inside!!! They let a few of us in, I checked in, sat down & waited to be seen
3:45 PM - Finally being seen!
3:38 PM - About 2 hours since I ran over, my name is finally called and I am taken to a room to be swabbed & tested
The nurse takes my vitals - temperature, pulse and blood pressure
I am given the nasal swab test and the nurse leaves (probably a total of 5-7 minutes max)
3:50 PM - The PA finally comes to see me after waiting for what seemed like a long time since the nurse left. She says sorry for the wait to get into CityMD and that they were trying to create a new more efficient system that gives a more accurate window of when to show up, asks if I need anything else while I am there and then dismisses me.
3:52 PM - I stop by billing, confirm my information is correct
3:54 PM - I am out the door. DONE!!!
4:03 PM - Results are ready - my test is NEGATIVE!
Overall I spent a little over 9 hours end to end, and probably spent ~5 hours between waiting on line and commuting between my apartment and CityMD. This is definitely an experience I would NOT like to experience again. (I did offer the PA help in creating a more efficient waiting window system). However I am thankful they did give us the opportunity to go home, which I was able to utilize working for a few hours. I know other CityMDs did not give people the opportunity to do so.
While waiting online, I learned a few interesting facts:
The line was cut off after 2 hours of opening (7 AM - 9 AM) with 166 people on the list.
If I was half way down the list at #82 after 9 hours, how do they anticipate to finish another ~80 people by 9:30 PM in 5.5 hours?
I overheard person #61 arrived at 6 AM, 40 minutes before me! I was debating arriving or leaving my apartment at 6:30 AM, so I am glad that the 10 minute difference did not make much of a difference. What time did person #1 show up?
Thank you to the frontline workers for all of your work, especially on days like today! I appreciate all that you do!
I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving!